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EU-CIP Open Call Type B – Announcement

Project acronym: EU-CIP

Project grant agreement number: 101073878

Project full name: European Knowledge Hub and Policy Testbed for Critical Infrastructure Protection

Project EU-CIP, co-funded from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant  Agreement No  101073878,  foresees as  an  eligible activity  the  provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve its own objectives.

The main objective of the EU-CIP Open Call Type B is to support innovators (e.g. research organizations, SMEs, startups, security technology providers, CIP system integrators) towards exploiting, promoting, and commercializing their solutions or research outcomes. Additionally, this call aims to provide support in  validating, standardizing and/or certifying solutions, by engaging third-party stakeholders, notably partners of EU funded projects.

The types of activities to perform that qualify for receiving financial support are related to the validation of the EU-CIP data and information analysis processes and findings (e.g. foresight, insight and added-value reports) defining an evaluation methodology and validation criteria in order to analysis and identify the main security gaps and research challenges.The main objective of the EU-CIP Open Call Type B is to support innovators (e.g. research organizations, SMEs, startups, security technology providers, CIP system integrators) towards exploiting, promoting, and commercializing their solutions or research outcomes. Additionally, this call aims to provide support in  validating, standardizing and/or certifying solutions, by engaging third-party stakeholders, notably partners of EU funded projects.


List of Activities Supported by the EU-CIP Open Call Type B


The financial support provided within the EU-CIP Open Call Type B, aims at attracting vendors of innovative CIP solutions and technologies that will engage with the EU-CIP Innovation management activities  to validate, promote and commercialization their innovative CIP solutions. As part of the Open Call winners will be offered opportunities for:

  1. Technology maturation, exploitation, deployment and/or commercialisation of their innovative CIP solutions and technologies. One of the objectives of this call is to fund projects that will exploit/commercialise high value and impactful solutions which are able to cover gaps and challenges in state of the art CIP solutions.
  2. Validation, standardization and/or certification of innovative CIP solutions: Open call winners will have the opportunity to engage with the services provided by the EU-CIP virtualized innovation services. Your expertise and feedback will play a crucial role in assessing the functionality, security, and performance of these solutions.
  3. Collaboration Opportunities: EU-CIP creates a collaborative ecosystem where CIP/CIR vendors and stakeholders can come together to exchange ideas, explore integration possibilities, and develop joint initiatives. Open call winners will have opportunities to connect with other stakeholders and explore potential partnerships.
Type of callType B – Calls for Innovators to receive innovation support for exploiting their solutions or support in validating/certification their solutions.
Call identifierEU-CIP Open Call Type B
Call Objectives
  •         Support innovators towards exploiting and/or commercializing their solutions or research outcomes.
  • Support for validating, standardizing and/or certifying solutions.
Full name of the EU funded projectEU-CIP  European Knowledge Hub and Policy Testbed for Critical Infrastructure Protection
Grant Agreement number101073878
Indicative datesIssue date: 1 December 2023
Deadline for submission: 15 February 2024
Award date: April 2024
Total Budget€270,000
Maximum amount of financial support for each third partyup to 30K per winner
No. of proposals>= 9
Language in which proposal should be submitted:English
SubmissionProposals submitted via EU-CIP website dedicated area.
Registration  or Login to the project’s web-site will be a prerequisite for downloading the Open Call documentation and for participation in the Open Calls processes of the project.