The Open Call Type B applications are under evaluation EU-CIP Knowledge Hub REGISTER NOW
Posted By Anna Pomortseva

CERIS workshop on Infrastructure Resilience: Addre...

DG HOME is organising a Community of European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) event on the topic of Security Research Contributions to the Critical Entities Resilience directive. The event will take place in Brussels, at Bouche a Oreille, on 16 November

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

EU-CIP presentation in International Conference on...

International conference: SECURITY OF INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS - CONCEPTS, REGULATIONS, PRACTICE was held in Belgrade on October 12 and 13, 2023 Organized by the Center for Risk Analysis and Crisis Management and with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technological

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

The EU-CIP FAIR Data Observatory: A tool for enhan...

One of the overarching objectives of the EU-CIP project is to enhance the EU’s information analysis capabilities for data-driven evidence-based policy-making for European resilience. Among the tools developed and employed by the project to achieve this goal, the EU-CIP FAIR

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

EU-CIP 1st Commercialisation Training for the CIP/...

The EU-CIP project is pleased to announce the first training webinar of a series dealing with the commercialisation of solutions and services within the critical infrastructure protection and resilience sector. Given the value of EU-supported research projects seeing their output

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

1st EU-CIP Annual Conference promotes â...

On 20 and 21 September 2023 in Brussels, the EU-CIP consortium successfully held its 1st Annual Conference on Critical Infrastructure Resilience focusing on “Reinventing Resilience”, which was co-organised with the European Cluster for Security Critical Infrastructures (ECSCI). In this first

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

Call for papers: Cyber-Physical Security for the W...

MDPI is preparing a Special Issue on Cyber-Physical Security for the Water Sector. Deadline for submissions is on 31 January 2024. The water sector is faced with multiple technical, organizational and external challenges hard to handle with traditional approaches and

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

Supply chain security for critical infrastructure

All modern critical infrastructures rely on digital supply chains to a greater or lesser extent. Somebody needs to acquire the digital goods and services that keep the critical infrastructure running, but how can one ensure that this is done in

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

International Conference: Security of Infrastructu...

12-13 OCTOBER 2023 – Belgrade, Serbia The Center for Risk Analysis and Crisis Management from Belgrade, with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations of the Republic of Serbia, is organizing an International Conference, titled: Safety of

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

Call for papers: Reinforcing Cyber Security of Cri...

The International Journal of Information Security (IJIS) is preparing a Special Issue on Reinforcing Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures through Digital Twins. Deadline for submissions is on 29 February 2024. Digital Twins are seen as one of the emerging technologies.

Posted By Anna Pomortseva

Call for papers: SecUre aNd Resilient digItal tran...

The call for papers for the 1st Workshop on SecUre aNd Resilient digItal tranSformation of healthcarE (SUNRISE 2023) is now open. The workshop is co-located with the 35th Norwegian ICT Conference for Research and Education (NIKT 2023) and will take place on