The Open Call Type B applications are under evaluation EU-CIP Knowledge Hub REGISTER NOW

The EU-CIP project is pleased to announce the first training webinar of a series dealing with the commercialisation of solutions and services within the critical infrastructure protection and resilience sector.

Given the value of EU-supported research projects seeing their output move towards the marketplace, the offered training will cover the following themes:

  • Unveiling the commercialization process and its significance.
  • Emphasizing the role of market assessment and problem definition.
  • Showcasing the power of innovation in addressing market demands.

The training will be given by project partner ICP on: Wednesday 11/10/2023 3 pm CET

This webinar (and others in the series) will be followed by access to business development templates to assist those wishing to commercialise their solutions or services. Those who complete these materials will then be able to be supported via 1:1 advisory sessions.

To participate, please complete the registration form via this link:

The link to the webinar will be emailed to registered participants closer to the event.

We look forward to your participation in this event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Fleming of ICP (

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